Determine the monthly payments for any fixed-rate loan. Will making extra monthly payments on your mortgage principal and interest paid over time save you money? Just enter the amount and terms, and our mortgage calculator does the rest. Click on “Amortization Table” to see how much interest you’ll pay each month and over the lifetime of the loan. The mortgage calculator will also show how extra payments can accelerate your payoff and save thousands in interest charges

Monthly Payment


Total of 360 Payments


Total Interest Paid


Payment Breakdown

Loan Amortization Graph

Monthly Payment


Total of 360 Payments


Total Interest Paid


Amortization Table


Calculator Disclaimer

This calculator is intended for illustrative purposes only and are hypothetical. We do not guarantee the accuracy of any calculation results scenarios. The figures displayed do not constitute an offer, quote, or solicitation of a product or service by AmWest Funding Corp or its affiliates.
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